Reka Gyorgy

Reka Gyorgy

Director of Operations

Job responsibilities: Gyorgy serves as the director of operations for the swim and dive teams. Her responsibilities include assisting in managing the budget and daily operations of the Virginia Tech swim and dive program. She is also responsible for travel, fundraising, planning special events for alumni and donors and handling numerous administrative responsibilities for the head coach. 

Joined VT Athletics Staff: September 8, 2023 

Prior to Virginia Tech: Following her 2022 graduation from Virginia Tech, Gyorgy started working as an applied behavior analysis therapist for Compass Behavioral Solutions in Radford, Va. She had two-three clients/kids at a time and her job was to teach them social skills, daily routines and taught skills to parents how to control different situations and meltdowns. While in this role, She was also a part of a team that interviewed and hired people for the company. 

Education: Gyorgy earned a bachelor's degree in human development and psychology from Virginia Tech in 2022 

Of Note: During her time in Blacksburg, Gyorgy was a member of the swim and dive program. As part of the program, she was a two-time ACC Champion and a two-time NCAA Division I All-American. Gyorgy also represented Hungary at multiple European Championships and at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. 

Personal: Gyorgy is from Ullo, Hungary where she lived with her brother, David, and parents, Andrea and Peter, until she moved to the US in 2017. She loves cooking and baking in her free, as well as reading books and doing something outdoors.