Mike Goforth, MS, LAT, ATC

Mike Goforth, MS, LAT, ATC

Associate AD of Sports Medicine

Responsibilities: As associate athletics director for sports medicine, Goforth oversees the healthcare needs of all student-athletes and organizes all trainers and doctors while supervising all other healthcare-related services that Tech offers. 

Joined VT Staff: 1998; 21st year.

Prior to Virginia Tech: Goforth came to Tech from the Hamilton Medical Center/Bradley Wellness Center in Dalton, Georgia, where he was the director of wellness and sports medicine. He has an extensive background in sports medicine, working at East Tennessee State University, William Fleming High School, and Tusculum College. He also has consulted on program development throughout the country. 

Education: East Tennessee State University, 1991, B.A. in physical education; Virginia Tech, 1995, master’s in sport management. 

Family: Goforth and wife Tracy, a teacher at Blacksburg Middle School, have two sons, Ethan and Luke.