Women's Basketball

Soundbites: NCAA Tournament First Round Press Conference Preview

Full Transcript (PDF) Tournament Central

Virginia Tech women's basketball head coach Kenny Brooks, forward Elizabeth Kitley and guard Aisha Sheppard met with the media on Thursday leading up to their first-round game against No. 12 Florida Golf Coast in the NCAA Tournament in College Park, Maryland. Read some of what they had to say:


(On how exciting it is to be in the NCAA Tournament) We're glad to be back. Glad to be back obviously under different circumstances where people are around, so. Last year I thought it was a tremendous experience for us making the tournament for the first time since 2006. To actually get our feet wet, to go experience it. But this year, you know, it's a little bit different. We have different expectations heading to the tournament, but also being able to play in front of people. We are very, very excited about that. It has been a tremendous year for us. Tremendous growth for our program. Many, many accolades individually and team wise. And I think we took the necessary steps to put ourselves in this position. So we're extremely excited. Glad to be here. Glad to be here with an experienced group. Combined with a couple of kids who transferred in to experience this. And so mission accomplished in that, but we're not done yet and we feel like that we have a great opportunity to play some good basketball against some very good opponents and good teams here and we're looking forward to the challenges.

(On FGCU's offense being centered around making 3-pointers) Yeah, I get high anxiety when we play against teams who shoot a lot of threes so obviously it has been a stressful week knowing that you're playing against a team that shoots the absolute most in the country. But I think one thing you can't do is you can't lose sight of the fact that I think that they're one of the top teams in the country two-point field goal percentages as well. You know, so many people get so engulfed in their three-point opportunities, which you should, that sometimes you overlook their ability to get to the basket and shoot the two. Karl does a tremendous job with that team. They're extremely well coached. I think he's an analytical kind of guy using the formula that a lot of NBA teams use. You know, it's either a three-pointer or a lay-up. So we understand that you can't -- you have to be prepared and ready and understanding. And I have had to have some counseling sessions where I can't get upset when they hit a three because that's what they do. All right. That's what they do. But you can't lose sight of the fact, too, that they're really good at getting to the basket and shooting lay-ups. It has been a long week. Obviously when you're conditioned to play against ACC teams and then all of a sudden you have three days to prepare for probably one of the most unique styles in college basketball, it's going to be a little bit different. But we have to keep telling our kids, you know, you can't get demoralized when they hit a three because that is what they do. When you look at the volume that they shoot, yes, it worries you, but they also they prove to be human because I think they shoot 33% from the three. I think we shoot 36% from the three. So there's a lot that goes into it, but you can't fall to the fact that, okay, they are just a three-point shooting team.



(On her health and getting ready for this game) Yeah, I think, you know, it's happening probably much earlier like in the ACC tournament is, you know, pretty unfortunate time. But the fortunate thing about it was I had like two weeks to kind of get better before the start of this tournament. So, it has been a lot of, you know, exercises and rehab and stuff which has really helped me gain my, you know, confidence back and trust in my shoulder. So, I think the timing just really helps and I'm like good to go, I'm ready for the tournament.

(On facing a team that's similar to FGCU) I think we've played teams that have, you know, five people that can shoot but not exactly like I feel like they play like five guards which is something I don't think the ACC really has. Maybe in the nonconference we saw something like it, but not as much as them. So it's going to be different, but good thing we've had a lot of time to prepare and we'll be ready.


(On the positive trajectory Virginia Tech has experienced during her time in Blacksburg) For me, I'm sure you all have heard the stories, you know, since I've been here for so long. But Coach and I discussed these things when he was recruiting me. And we talked about a lot of this, but, you know, the player that I have sitting next to me, she's done phenomenal things in a short amount of time. And that's just what -- those are the things that touches me more than anything because we couldn't get players like her when I was first starting out. And now, you know, she saw the product that we were producing and she wanted to be a part of it. And now it is just a testament to her hard work and what the program has been able to do. I'm just very excited for the trajectory that the program is on.

(On being back close to her hometown for the NCAA Tournament) Feels good to be home especially because a lot of people reached out to me and was telling me that they would be at the game and they would be in attendance. A lot of people already bought tickets so it's awesome the support that I get when I come back close to home so it's been great.