Virginia Tech Sports Medicine Club FAQs

If you are interested in Sports Medicine, the medical field or a possible HNFE/Human Development Field Study in the future-this is a great club for you! Every year we have many students from our club get accepted into Athletic Training Masters programs, Physical Therapy programs, medical school and more! 
Who can join? All students and majors are welcome!
What are the requirements to join? 

  • You must have at least a 3.0 GPA 
  • You must be (or be scheduled for a CPR course during the semester you are joining) CPR certified. The CPR certification needs to be an in-person class, not online. If you have been certified in-person previously, you may do the online refresher course but will need to show proof of both classes. 
  • You will need to fill out the application online along with the confidentiality form, dress code, and acknowledgement of handbook forms signed and dated. You also need to provide a copy of your most recent unofficial transcript as well as your CPR certification. 
  • Must attend 75% of meetings and 75% of in-services. 

How much are dues? Dues are $15 for the year or $10 per semester.
How many meetings per month? There is one meeting and one in-service each month. There will also be sport tournaments, various events and other sign up opportunities. Social, fundraising and philanthropy events will also be scheduled throughout the year.
Do I need any experience? We do not require specific experience; we hope to help you build experience!
I’m a senior, is it too late? Definitely not! We have many seniors that joined their last year and made lasting impressions.
How should I stay up to date? Once you have met all requirements and paid dues, you will be added to our Canvas site. You can also follow us on social media:
Twitter: @vtsportmedclub1 
Instagram: VTSportsMedicineClub 
How do I apply? Read through here. You can apply online at any time prior to the semester you plan to work with us. We have a lot of interest and are typically full the semester prior so apply early!

I’ve heard about the Sports Medicine Student Aide Program; does this help me get a rotating or Field Study position? Being a member of the club will give you priority when we select rotating and Field Study students. If you are interested in our Sports Medicine Student Aide Program, you can find information here.