Virginia Tech Sports Medicine Student Aide FAQs

Virginia Tech Sports Medicine is comprised of 21 Certified Athletic Trainers and we couldn’t run without our amazing Sports Medicine Student Aides! If you are interested in Sports Medicine, the medical field or need an HNFE/Human Development Field Study-this may be the place for you! Every year we have many students from our program get accepted into Athletic Training Masters programs, Physical Therapy programs, medical school and more! Please note, this is not a paid position.
Which semester’s do you have students helping? Students may apply for Fall, Spring, Summer 1 and/or Summer 2. 
How many students do you take each semester? We take 45 students to be part of the rotating program for the Fall and Spring semesters. The Summer Sessions are dependent on needs. These students are comprised of Field Study Student Aides (where the hours count for class credit) and Volunteers. 
What should I expect if I’m doing rotations? New Volunteers and all Field Study students will rotate their first semester. Every two weeks you will rotate through a different sport or Athletic Training Room. This will give you a behind the scenes look at what the Sports Medicine department does every day in different environments. 
What is required of me? 

  • You must have at least a 3.0 GPA to be considered for the program. Exceptions for Field Study Student Aides may be made on a case-by-case basis.
  • Before you begin rotations, you will need to be CPR certified. The CPR certification needs to be an in-person class, not online. If you have been certified in-person previously, you may do the online refresher course but will need to show proof of both classes. 
  • You will need to fill out the application online along with a signed Confidentiality Statement, Dress Code Document and Handbook Acknowledgement of Review. You will also need to provide a copy of your unofficial transcript as well as your CPR certification. 

Do I need any experience? For specific majors only? We do not require specific experience; we hope to help you build experience! We accept all majors, though some may not be eligible for Field Study credits.  
How many hours will I work per week? If you are a Field Study student, then your credits dictate your hours. If you are volunteering, then we work around your current schedule to help fit the rotations in. Volunteers do not have a set number of hours per day or week. Our students typically average around 7-10 hours per week but some will work more and some less so it is very flexible! You won’t have a schedule until the first week of classes.
“A Day in the Life?” No two days are the same in Sports Medicine so you may be filling coolers, learning to tape ankles, instructing rehabilitations, making ice bags, stretching, observing practice, learning how to evaluate an injury, cleaning and organizing, assisting with on field demands, preparing for travel…you never know!
I’m a senior, is it too late? Definitely not! We have many seniors that joined their last year and made lasting impressions.
How should I stay up to date? The best way is to join the Virginia Tech Sports Medicine Club. Go here for more information. You can also follow us on social media: Twitter: @vtsportmedclub1, Instagram: VTSportsMedicineClub 
How and when do I apply? Read through here. You can apply online at any time prior to the semester you plan to work with us. We have a lot of interest and are typically full the semester prior so apply early!
I’ve applied, now what? We will review applications towards the end of the previous semester. Keep an eye on your email as that is how we disseminate important information! You will be required to attend a meeting and an orientation before beginning rotations.
I don’t know if I can continue working as a Student Aide. What do I do? If, for any reason, you feel that you cannot continue in the Student Aide Program, you should notify the Program Director immediately. You will be removed from the Program without any consequences or hard feelings. If there is an issue related to the Sports Medicine Department or Student Aide Program that is causing you to want or feel pressured to leave, you are obligated to report it to the Program Director so that it may be resolved. 
Participation as a Student Aide is a privilege and not a right and is completely voluntary. The Program Director reserves the right to remove or reassign a Student Aide at any time. Please reference the Disciplinary Procedures page in the Handbook for more details.