Women's Soccer

Writing HERstory: The NWSL Championship

Stay Connected Elevate Her

It was the craziest game of my life - the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) Championship. 

The energy in the stadium was electrifying. 

Our team, Gotham FC, was locked in a battle with OL Reign, and it was a nail-biter from start to finish. 

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

The game was a rollercoaster of emotions. 

We had some incredible plays and moments of sheer brilliance, but OL Reign fought back and evened the score just four minutes after we got the 1-0 lead. 

It was a back-and-forth affair, with both teams giving it their all. 

But the defining moment came in those final few minutes.

In the 80th minute, I had this feeling that I needed to make a big save.

And sure enough, the opportunity came. 

OL Reign had a breakaway, and I dove to the left, making that important save.

The crowd went wild, and for a brief moment, we thought we had secured the win.

But in the 95th minute, OL Reign had one last chance. 

A bouncing ball found its way into our box, and it was just me and the opposing player. 

I had to make a split-second decision. 

I leaned forward, touched the ball with my hands, and quickly pulled them back. 

The referee blew the whistle, and the play went out for a goal kick.

Immediately, there was chaos on the field. 

My teammates surrounded me, trying to figure out what happened.

After VAR review, it turned out I had touched the ball outside the box, resulting in a red card. 

I was devastated. 

Even though I was experiencing every emotion possible, my team had my back and reassured me the entire way into the locker room. 

They told me I made the right decision and to not worry — "they got this." 

All there was left for me to do was wait in the locker room and pray.

Our midfielder, Nealy Martin, had to step into the goal to finish the game.

But then, after 12 minutes of added stoppage time, I heard cheering. 

We won!

All the frustration and anger instantly dissipated, replaced by pure joy and disbelief. 

We had overcome the odds, fought through adversity, and come out on top.

It was a moment I'll never forget. 

The joy, the relief, the sheer elation of winning the championship. It was a testament to the resilience and determination of our team. 

We had faced countless obstacles throughout the season, but we never gave up. 

And in the end, we won our first-ever NWSL Championship after finishing bottom of the league last season. 
My journey to Virginia Tech
It's moments like this you play for.

No doubt.

But you don't start winning NWSL Championship.

For me, it all began when I was just a little kid, playing soccer with my mom as my coach. 

The sport quickly became my passion, and my parents supported me every step of the way.

I played multiple sports growing up, but soccer was always my favorite. It was where I felt most at home, where I could truly be myself and have fun. 

Around the age of 10, I made the switch to being a goalkeeper. 

It wasn't because I was particularly skilled at it, but rather because I couldn't find my place on the field in any other position. 

It turned out to be the best decision I ever made.

As I got older, my skills developed, and I became joined the Jacksonville Football Club. We were a tight-knit group and experienced some incredible success together. 

We won back-to-back national championships when we were 14 and 15 years old.

It was during our first national championship that the recruitment offers started pouring in. 

We had lost in the regional finals but got a second chance when the team that beat us got disqualified. 

It seemed like fate was on our side. 

We flew in from vacations and came together as a team to win that championship. 

And it was there that Virginia Tech saw me and the US scouts took notice.

I went through the recruitment process, visiting schools like Virginia Tech, Clemson, and Texas. 

In the end, I chose Virginia Tech because it felt like home. 

The campus was beautiful, and the coaching staff felt like family. 

Plus, I wanted the experience of all four seasons, coming from sunny Florida.

My time at Virginia Tech was truly a special period in my life. 

One of the standout moments was during the Commonwealth Cup, a game against UVA. 

It was pouring rain, and the field was a mess.

We were up 1-0 in the 70th minute when the game was delayed by lightning.

We had to go back out and finish the game on a waterlogged field. It was a hilarious and unforgettable experience. 

We ended up winning, and 'sadly' it remains my only victory against our rival, UVA.

Overall, my time at VT was absolutely priceless, filled with tons of unique memories and accomplishments. 
Overseas and back
After my college career, I initially signed a one-year deal with Gotham FC, formerly known as Sky Blue FC.

After seeing limited playing time in my inaugural season in 2021, I decided to take my game overseas. 

I joined a team in Sweden called Pitea IF and spent a season there.

It was a whole new level of soccer, and I was challenged in ways I never thought possible. The Arctic Circle was a far cry from the sunny fields of Florida, but I embraced the opportunity to grow and improve as a player.

When my contract in Sweden was up, I returned to the States and Gotham FC. 

It was incredible to be back in familiar territory, playing in front of my friends and family. 

The team had a promising future, and I was excited to be a part of it.

Little did I know that our season would be filled with ups and downs, injuries, and setbacks. 

But through it all, we never lost sight of our goal: to win it all. 

And against all odds, we made it to the championship game, the pinnacle of our sport.

It was a tumultuous journey, but one that taught me the importance of resilience and teamwork. 

We had to dig deep, rely on each other, and push through the toughest moments. And in the end, it was all worth it when we lifted that trophy.
Looking ahead
As I reflect on my soccer career, I'm filled with gratitude for everyone who has been a part of my journey. 

From my parents and coaches who believed in me from day one to my teammates who pushed me to be my best — I wouldn't be where I am today without them.

And now, as I continue my professional career, I'm excited for what the future holds. 

There will undoubtedly be more challenges and obstacles along the way, but I know that as long as I stay true to myself and keep pushing forward, anything is possible.

So, here's to chasing dreams, overcoming setbacks, and embracing the thrill of the game.

Writing HERstory Campaign
Tech Athletics launched a multi-platform brand campaign celebrating the incredible achievements of its female student-athletes, both past and present, while inspiring the next generation of women who aspire to achieve their dreams through athletics. In partnership with Truist, Tech will share stories of its past and current female student-athletes over the course of the calendar year. Ranging from podcast interviews to feature stories and more, the incredible moments and achievements by women over the years in Virginia Tech Athletics will be celebrated. To make an impact on female sports at Tech or to sign up for the monthly Writing HERstory newsletter.