
Soundbites: Military Bowl Postgame Press Conference

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ANNAPOLIS, Md. – Virginia Tech football spoke to the media following its win in the 2023 Military Bowl. Head coach Brent Pry was joined by bowl game MVP Kyron Drones, running back Bhayshul Tuten and defensive captain Norell Pollard to recap the final game of the season.

Read below to see what they had to say.
Head coach Brent Pry
On the significance of winning record and bowl record:
"Yeah, it adds to the momentum. It just helps move that needle a little bit harder in the right direction. Like I said, there's a lot of good things happening within our program right now. And I think getting a win over a ranked team that had 11 wins and that Cotton Bowl victory last year, this was a good football team that's been well-coached for a bunch of years. They had a chip on their shoulder. This was the type of win that we couldn't find during the season. And we didn't play as well as we could have today and we were able to win by three possessions."
On the progression of the program over the past two years:
"I mean, this is a different team. And a lot of these guys are part of that group. And they went through adversity like we did this year and just didn't get the outcome they wanted. But we're certainly on the road in the right direction. Two years ago, these guys have trusted the process. The coaches have, the players have, the administration's been super supportive. Whit Babcock and Dr. Sands, it's taken everybody and you've got to have faith. You've got to believe and just keep working and trust the process. And everybody's done that. And that's what allowed us to get seven wins."
Quarterback Kyron Drones
On his performance against Tulane's stout run defense:
"It was just credit to the O-line, really, just being physical up front. That's what we said we had to do from the get go. Then they were just able to create holes and create for me and Bhayshul Tuten. Just to be able to run the ball and let us go make plays."