Women's Tennis

Get to know: Charlotte Cartledge

Charlotte Cartledge
Roanoke, Va.

How did you first get involved in tennis? 
My three older siblings also play tennis and my Mom used to take me to watch them play. I always wanted to follow in their footsteps from a young age so I was inspired to get on the court. 

What has been the best advice a coach has given you? 
Someone passing by my court should not be able to tell whether I'm winning or losing based on my body language. 

Who do you model your game after?
I don't model my game after anyone in particular. However, I've always admired Roger Federer's mental toughness and grace on the court. 

What has been the biggest difference competing in high school to D1 tennis? 
College tennis requires a much deeper commitment and professionalism. I am now a part of a team and I'm always mindful that I'm not just playing for myself, but I'm representing the university. 

Who is the best tennis player in your family? 
That's a tough one. All of my siblings have different strengths and game styles. Although my oldest sibling, George, who also played for Virginia Tech, has the best technique and work ethic.