Women's Tennis

Get to know: Tamara Barad Itzhaki

Tamara Barad Itzhaki
Hertzeliya, Isreal

How did you first get involved in tennis?
I started with my ballet shoes, but my father and I began playing mini tennis together and he thought that I was more talented with the ball. He suggested I join a professional practice at the Tel Aviv Tennis Academy, and of course, I nailed it and it became a true passion and love of mine.

What has been the best advice a coach has given you?
Never give up because you can come back in tennis at any point. I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes during one of my best games where I came back from 6-1 and 5-0 to take the set and the match. After that I understood that I can win no matter what the score is.

Who do you model your game after?
I adore and look up to two professional players that inspire my game, the first one is Agnieszka Radwańska and the second one is Alizé Cornet. Both of them are very smart and resilient players who can dominate the game by changing their rhythm and style based on the opponent's game plan. Their endurance and passion helped them overcome obstacles in the game and adjust within the match.

Where is your favorite place in the world that you have played?
I was fortunate to visit many countries in my tennis career but the warm hospitality I have received in South Korea overwhelmed me since they didn't speak English, but the love of the game connected me with the local tennis players and their families. Another place that was amazing was New Zealand because of their strong community sense of home.

What is one thing from Israel that you wish you had here?
Any stranger that comes to visit Israel falls in love with the wonderful fresh Mediterranean fusion cuisine we have here. You can't replace the tasty squeezed orange juice and the fresh salads that you find there. The market is full of a variety of dairy products, a range of vegetables and fruits, fish and meat. Everyday with starts with fresh food I love it and miss it a lot.