Women's Tennis

Get to know: Erika Cheng

Erika Cheng
Sao Paulo, Brazil

1. How did you first get involved in tennis?
My uncle used to play tennis on weekends as a hobby and he took me to the tennis club that he used to go to play tennis with my cousins. I was around seven years old at that time.

2. What has been the best advice a coach has given you?
Mental health is just as important as physical health. Working hard is just as important as rest and recovery.

3. Who do you model your game after?
Nobody in specific. I love Roger Federer and Ashleigh Barry's game.

4. What do you hope to accomplish with a Civil Engineering degree? 
I aspire to become the project manager or lead designer of either building or bridge projects, bringing sustainable solutions to complex infrastructure projects.

5. What has been your favorite memory while playing at Virginia Tech?
The trip to Las Vegas my freshman year when I clinched against Arkansas.