Women's Soccer

Get to know: Natalie Mitchell

Natalie Mitchell 
Temecula, Calif.

1. Why did you choose Virginia Tech?

NM: I choose Virginia Tech because it allows me to compete at the highest level in women's soccer with great coaches and an amazing team environment.
2. What is your major and why did you choose it?
NM: I'm majoring in criminology because I've wanted to be in the FBI or CIA since I was 12. I find criminology to be super interesting and this is the best path to get me there.
3. What is one goal you have for Virginia Tech women's soccer this year?
NM: The one goal I have for Virginia Tech women's soccer is to make our conference tournament and the NCAA tournament.
4. What is one thing you want to see or do in Blacksburg before you graduate?
NM: One thing I would like to do in Blacksburg before I graduate is to play a game on the football field.
5. What has been your favorite experience in Blacksburg so far?
NM: My favorite experience in Blacksburg so far has been playing on Thompson Field.
6. How would your younger self react to your life right now?
NM: My younger self would be absolutely freaking out and in awe of where I am right now.
7. How many hours do you get to the airport before a flight - why?
NM: I get to the airport two-to-three hours before the flight depending on the airport. I grew up flying out of LAX, which is extremely busy, and I like to have plenty of time to get through security.
8. Who inspires you the most in your life?
NM: My older brother inspires me most in my life.