
Soundbites: Practice No. 9 press conference

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BLACKSBURG – Following its ninth practice of fall camp on Friday, Virginia Tech football met with the media for a press conference. Read below for what cornerbacks coach Derek Jones, defensive backs Dorian Strong and Nasir Peoples had to say.

Cornerbacks coach Derek Jones

On the position group dinners last night:

"One of the things we wanted to do when we came here was to try to find out reasons that we may have not been winning the games that we needed to. One of the things that is important for a football team is unity. So, within an offense, a defense and position groups, you have to create unity. We've all played football and when it's fall camp, you're grinding and sometimes it's important to throw them a curveball and do things. The object of it last night was to get out together, put your phones down and talk a little bit. Have bonding so we can develop those relationships."

On the battle between Brion Murray and Armani Chatman
"It's going really well. It's making them both better. I'm very open with them about where they are. The thing I try to do in my meeting room is be honest with each other about where they are. I often let guys get up in the room and tell one another what they need to do better. What they see they can do better, in addition to things they can do better themselves. When you stand up and tell someone a thing that they need to do better, the other guys in the room have the power to hold you accountable for it. Accountability is half the battle in the game of sports."

Defensive back Dorian Strong

On taking more of a leadership role and it's been different that he's one of the older guys:
"It's been really different, just because of my personality. I come off as a real fun, childish guy. But since Coach Jones and this coaching staff have come in, he has emphasized to me that I'm one of the best players on the team and that people look up to me and what I do. So, if I'm out here going through the motions and stuff, they might possibly go through the motions. So, this has been a really good task for me to take on."

On being close with his teammates:
"It's fun. It's important for me to be close with the young guys so they can trust me. Whenever we hang out, they need to know that they can trust me and my words, so when I tell them they did wrong on X, Y, X, then it doesn't go in one ear and out the other. They retain the information. So, when that situation comes up again, now, I've helped them a little bit and they've put their trust in me, and we can improve together. And when that big hit or pick comes, we celebrate."


Defensive back Nasir Peoples

On where he thinks he's changed the most since his arrival a couple of years ago:

"I would just say playing defense at a higher level and knowing where your help is, as far as the other defenders on the field. Learning my keys, fundamentals and reads on each play. Those types of things have been really big for me."

On his takeaways from the most recent scrimmage:
"Just a lot of competing. That's really the main thing. There was a lot of good work going against each other, which was good to see. Then some young guys had some really good scrimmages."