
Hokie Scholarship Fund annual giving deadline shifting to March 1

With the goal of simplifying the experience for Hokie Club donors and season ticket holders, the Hokie Club and Virginia Tech Athletics have announced the shift of the Hokie Scholarship Fund deadline from its recent date of March 31 (annually) to March 1.

In an effort to streamline communication for all Hokies, March 1, 2023 will also be the final day to renew both football and men's/women's basketball season tickets for the 2023-24 athletic season.

Important details for all Hokies, especially Hokie Club members:

  • Season tickets for both the 2023 Virginia Tech football season and the 2023-2024 basketball seasons must be renewed by March 1, 2023. Renewals for these sports will begin in the fall of 2022 and will include a simultaneous renewal for Football, Men's Basketball, and Women's Basketball.
  • All Hokie Scholarship Fund gifts for per-seat giving requirements, membership levels and priority ranking must be made by March 1, 2023.
  • For those currently on payment plans, additional communication will be provided to ensure the new deadline provides an opportunity to adjust your plan.
  • Recurring giving and payment plans for Hokie Club membership are a great way to spread out Hokie Club membership payments. More details on installment options are below.
  • The annual seat improvement process and more-robust-but-less-frequent reseating process for Football and Basketball will now take place simultaneously moving forward, beginning in the spring of 2023. Drive Year 2023 is NOT a reseating year. Drive Year 2024 will be the next reseating year.

Those under current online payment plans instituted after April 1, 2022 will not have to restructure their payment plans with the new deadline. Current Hokie Club members with HokieMatic/electronic draft, credit card recurring, and payroll deduction payment plans will receive further communication this week about making a one-time gift to resolve their desired giving level for Drive Year 2023.

The Virginia Tech Department of Athletics, the Hokie Club and Tech student-athletes are so appreciative of Hokie Nation's efforts to elevate the Hokie Club's membership numbers and fundraising success into the top-tier of the ACC over the last few years. While we understand change can be challenging, focusing on one deadline of March 1 for the Hokie Scholarship Fund, football season tickets and basketball season tickets will create an efficient process for our supporters and allow us to spend additional time on providing first-class guest experiences.

Seat Selection/Improvement
In an effort to make the seat selection process more efficient for season ticket holders, football and basketball seats will now be selected during the same period beginning in the spring of 2023 (likely May). This is a strategic change from the previous process in which football and basketball selection would occur in two separate periods.

Donors Wanting to Create New Payment Plan
Hokie Scholarship Fund donors have the opportunity to structure payment plans that allow them to meet their desired giving level by the new March 1 deadline. If you would like to set up a payment plan for your Hokie Scholarship Fund gift, click here to learn more and select one of our available options. Options include recurring plans, plans that expire on March 1, bank draft and payroll deduction for Virginia Tech employees. If you need assistance, please contact the Hokie Club offices at 1(800) VATECH4 or by email at hokieclub@vt.edu.

Donors Currently Enrolled in Payment Plan
Current Hokie Scholarship Fund payment plans also can be restructured in order to meet the new March 1 deadline. In an effort to avoid any disruptions to benefits associated with Hokie Club/Hokie Scholarship Fund memberships, Hokie Club staff will be connecting directly with members who are currently on a donation schedule for their gifts.

Early Giving Incentive
With the new March 1 deadline, Hokie Scholarship Fund donors are encouraged, but not required, to meet their desired giving level by an early bird deadline of December 21, 2022. Donors who renew their giving from the previous year in the full amount by the early bird deadline will receive ten additional priority points. Five additional points will be awarded as well for all accounts who utilize one of the many payment plan options by December 21. This will be one of many early giving incentives that will be unveiled over the coming months.
Thanks to the help of Hokie Nation, the Hokie Club was pleased to report that membership reached 29,056 donors in 2022, the largest total in history. The Hokie Scholarship Fund consisted of over $17 million in annual giving during that time, with an additional influx of over $3 million in endowed scholarship funding. Annual giving plays a critical role in the success of our student-athletes both in the classroom and in competition. This momentum and the strength of Hokies pulling together has Virginia Tech Athletics poised for another great year as Drive Year 2023 gets underway.

Why the change to the March 1 date?
To create a simplified renewal process for current Hokie Club members and a more efficient process for new Hokie Club members to join the membership drive. Since all season ticket holders are Hokie Club members (but not all Hokie Club members are season ticket holders), this change streamlines deadlines and minimizes disruptions throughout the year for Hokie Club members.

When do I need to renew my football and/or basketball season tickets in order to maintain the same seats?
All tickets/seats must be renewed by March 1, 2023.

What is the last date to renew my Hokie Scholarship Fund contribution?
Gifts must be made by March 1, 2023.

Why am I renewing before the current basketball season is over?
Two reasons: 1) To simplify the renewal and seat improvement processes and 2) Provide the opportunity to have one payment plan for tickets that will help reduce monthly payment totals over the course of time between the initial payment and the March 1 deadline.

Is 2023 a full reseating year?
No, the next full reseating(s) of Lane Stadium and Cassell Coliseum will occur in 2024.

With the change in renewal deadline(s), how will this impact the seat improvement timeline?
You can expect to choose/improve your football and/or basketball seats at the same time in the spring of 2023.

Can I add, drop or change my season tickets during the renewal process?
Yes, you can add or drop season tickets during the renewal process. During the seat improvement process, season ticket holders will be able to change their seat location during their seat selection time.