
Soundbites: Duke Postgame Press Conference

BLACKSBURG – After a 48-17 win over Duke on Saturday, Virginia Tech football head coach Justin Fuente met with the media for a press conference. Read what he had to say below.


Opening statement: 
"Thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting us. It was a special day for those seniors, and I'm happy to send them out in their last home game on a positive note. I'm proud of our kids and their perseverance through tough, adverse times. They continue to amaze all of us in this building who see them every day with their resilient nature and their care for each other. It's a lot of fun to watch. Inspiring, quite honestly, to all the coaches and everybody around them. They're a great group of kids."
On running back Keshawn King's performance:
"I think it was a glimpse of what Keshawn is capable of. I love Keshawn King, I'm unrelenting in my desire to have him do things the right way. He knows that, and that's the beautiful thing about him. There's not a more pleasurable person on our team to be around than Keshawn when he is right. We've seen a lot of that lately, and that's pretty fun to be around. In fairness to him, he has battled a little bit of an ankle deal from a few weeks ago that slowed him up, but heading into this game I felt like it was time to reward him with some opportunities, and he certainly didn't disappoint."
On the team's ability to recover mentally following a loss:
"I just think it's a healing process. They don't come bebopping in here on Sunday fully healed, either good or bad, from the game before. You just see the leaders try and take charge and get everyone recalibrated. Guys go about beginning to feel better and get more focused on the opponent. To put forth the effort that our team has been able to through everything that has gone on is remarkable. I think we could all learn lessons from them."