
Soundbites: Week 5 Press Conference

BLACKSBURG – With Virginia Tech football having an open week, a few players met with the media for a press conference on Wednesday. Read what they had to say below.


On preparing for Notre Dame:
"They're big, they're physical, and they're fast. They have one of the best players in the country, No. 14 [Kyle Hamilton]. Normally, when I go in and look at defenses, I kind of look at it as a structure and we're definitely learning more and watching more film every day. But I think they're pretty good up front and they definitely have playmakers in the back end. I'm excited for the challenge."

On finishing important drives:
"Depending on the drive, there can be a lot of emotions. When we make a big play and get down there, we just need to refocus and lock in for those last couple of plays to push the ball."
On leading the team in tackles:
"I feel good about leading the team in tackles. I'm not really focused on the stats. I just play the game. When it comes to me and Dax's [Hollifield] chemistry. It just didn't happen. We had to work at it and happened over time and we're still building on it today."
On the defensive development of the young players:
"I like the way that we've all come together. As the older guys, we've been bringing a lot of the younger guys along. It started in the spring to summer camp and, obviously, now. That's why a lot of younger guys can go out there and make plays. We trust them as much as the coaches trust us. We try to always preach that there's no drop off. We're expecting them to go out there and make as many plays as they can."

On getting adjusted to Virginia Tech and the first few games:
"Yeah, it's been a pretty smooth transition from high school. I feel pretty comfortable with the staff and with the ball. So, it's been good."