
Beyond the Player: Left-handed Pitchers

Welcome to our newest feature, Beyond the Player, where we will get to know more about the players behind the scenes. This final week, we learn about the left-handed pitchers, four of which are new to the program this fall. Also, check out below returning Peyton Alford's "Mic'd Up Monday" below.

Peyton Alford - If you had to work but didn't need the money, what would you choose to do?
"I would be a professional outdoorsman. I would love to go on exotic hunts and fish all over the world. I have gone hunting and fishing with my dad and family since I was 7 years old and it is something I look forward to every time I'm home."

Grant Umberger - If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want with you to survive?
"I would want a machete, a magnifying glass and a cooking pot."

Chris Gerard - If you were granted one superpower what would it be and why?
"I would choose to be able to fly because I feel like it would be super relaxing and you would never have to sit in traffic."

Ryan Okuda - If you were to start a collection of one kind of item, what would it be and why?
"I would collect antique and first edition books that I really enjoy reading. I feel like, books like that, are a piece of history so having a collection of those would be like having a collection of each time period."

Ryan Gleason - What kitchen appliance can you not live without? And why?
"I couldn't live without a refrigerator because it keeps all types of food fresh and cold. I can keep leftovers in the refrigerator and nothing goes to waste."

Shane Connolly - If you could choose your age to be forever, what age would you be and why?
"I want to experience every age so I can explore everything that life has to offer. This includes the good times, the bad times, the days of being young and dumb and hopefully the days of being old and wise."

Ethan Firoved - If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be? And why?
"Will Farrell, for the pure comedy that would come out of it."

Jonah Hurney - What product would you stockpile if you found out it was not going to be sold anymore?
"I would stockpile water, simple because we can't live without it. Water has many different uses and is key for our survival."

Noah Johnson - If you could be a family member of any TV- sitcom family, which would it be?
"I would be part of the Dunphy family in Modern Family."

Matthew Siverling - If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world where would you go?
"I would go to the Bahamas to enjoy the beaches, the clear water and the warm weather."

Henry Weycker - If you had to eat one meal for every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
"I would eat buffalo chicken pizza from a restaurant in my hometown called Comellas. It hits the spot every time."