A Farewell from Tech's Kelsey IrwinA Farewell from Tech's Kelsey Irwin
Women's Soccer

A Farewell from Tech's Kelsey Irwin

BLACKSBURG – During Virginia Tech's 2019 Fall University Commencement Ceremony and the Graduate School Commencement, the school estimates it will honor more than 2,500 students who completed their academic degrees during the summer and fall terms, both of which take place in Cassell Coliseum on Friday.
The undergraduate ceremony begins at 10:30 a.m. and the graduate commencement is at 2:30 p.m. There will be over a dozen Tech student-athletes honored Friday and includes five women's soccer players. Former goalkeeper Zoe Foxhall, who finished her career in 2018, will walk across the stage on Friday to pick up her diploma, while 2019 Hokies Kelsey Irwin, Mikayla Mance, Mandy McGlynn and Jaylyn Thompson have finished their academic careers at Tech as well.
As the departures of Tech's seven seniors from the 2019 season begins, it's a good time for those leaving this December to reflect on their time in Blacksburg. San Diego, California native Kelsey Irwin is the first player featured in this week's "Farewell" Q&A series.
Q: What will you be earning your degree in?
KI: I got my Master's of Science in Business Administration.
Q: Why did you pursue this educational path?
KI: After tearing my ACL in 2015, I was granted a medical redshirt and given a fifth year of eligibility. I realized I had an excellent opportunity to maximize my time while on campus. I made the decision to finish my undergraduate degree in three years and get my Master's degree while playing for Virginia Tech. I decided to get my Master's degree in Business Administration because I knew it would open a lot of doors for me once I was done playing soccer. My dad is a successful businessman and growing up with him as one of my role models inspired me to take this route.
Q: Are you walking in Dec.? Who will be here for the ceremony?
KI: While I will be graduating in December I am not walking at the ceremony. I walked at my undergraduate graduation in 2018 and my family as well as my boyfriend's family was in attendance for that. Due to the fact my family lives on the West Coast I did not want to make them travel across the country right before Christmas.
Q: What are your future plans?
KI: As of now, I am planning to play professional soccer. It has been a dream of mine since I was little and I know my experiences at VT have prepared me to be successful at the next level.
Q: What will earning a degree from Virginia Tech mean to you?
KI: Walking away with two degrees from Virginia Tech is amazing. I never would have guessed that I would be in this position. While it was stressful at times, I would not change it for anything. I know that the experiences and lessons I learned while on campus will stick with me for a lifetime and I am very thankful for the opportunity to graduate from Virginia Tech.
Q: What was your favorite memory during your time here with VTWS?
KI: My favorite memory during my time with VTWS was beating Texas in the first round of the 2018 NCAA Tournament. At the time, Texas was the No. 4 seed and had yet to lose a game at home. The way our coaches prepared us for that game created an atmosphere where we knew we were going to win. Our team embraced an 'us against the world' mentality and it was extremely special to be a part of.
Q: What will you miss most about being on the VTWS team?
KI: The thing I will miss most about being on VTWS is the spring. Current and former players will probably laugh at that statement. But I think the spring really defines a team because it is the hardest part of the year. Training every day in bad weather without any games is mentally grueling because you are working for something that is months away (the upcoming season). However, there are also so many memories created by moments of working together whether it is going from a difficult fitness session to a heavy lift or whatever it may be.
Q: What advice would you give to the underclassmen or the newest recruits coming into the program?
KI: The biggest piece of advice I would give is to embrace the moment and be open to learn. You are coming into a place where you are going to have to re-establish yourself as a player and earn your respect on the field. But with that being said, don't shy away from the challenge. The coaches and your fellow teammates want you to succeed so listen to what they have to say. Ask questions, do the extra work, come in fit, and be ready to roll. Virginia Tech is a special place and your time here will go by quick. But at the end of the day, soccer is not the end all be all. Take care of yourself, take care of your teammates, and be a good person to everyone you come into contact with. Remember, always leave the program better off than when you arrived. 
Q: What was the most impactful thing to you, with being a part of this program?
KI: The most impactful thing to me about being a part of this program is watching how the culture evolved over the 4.5 years I was on campus. Taking part in that transformation is something that is very special to me. When I was injured my freshman year, our team lost in the second round of the NCAA tournament. The following two years we did not make the tournament. At the time, it was an expectation for us to be one of the 64 teams competing in the tournament. It was obvious that we had to change something internal in order to be successful the following year. Everyone bought into that turnaround, including coaches, players, and support staff. Being a part of that process was extremely special and taught me the importance of a family-like atmosphere in team settings. The following year we made it to the Sweet 16. While overcoming adversity may seem hard in the moment, it is always worth it in the end.
Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add?
KI: I want to say thank you to my fellow teammates over the last 4.5 years, my coaches, and support staff that has aided in my success. Everyone who has been on this team over the years has impacted my life in such a tremendous way. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to form relationships with you all and I cannot wait to watch all the success you guys have in the years to come. To my coaches, thank you for giving me the opportunity to play here and for believing in me from the start. You all have taught me lifelong lessons and have pushed me to better myself on and off the field. To the support staff, none of this would be possible without you guys. You truly are the warriors behind doors that keeps this program going.