Women's Soccer

Kozlova in Ukraine for Senior National Training Camp

BLACKSBURG – Virginia Tech women's soccer player Nicole Kozlova, who recently played with the Ukraine U19 Women's National Team as the squad looked to qualify for the U20 finals in April, is now currently in Kyiv, Ukraine for a training camp with the Senior National Team.
The camp runs from June 9-13 and is part of the country's preparations for the qualifying games for the 2021 Euros. Ukraine will face Belarus in a friendly on Wednesday, June 12, while its first qualifying match for the Euros is against Germany on Sept. 3, with Ireland and Greece completing the group.
There are 22 players – two goalkeepers and 20 field players – in the camp that range in age up to players in their earlier-30s, while Kozlova, at 18-years old, is the youngest in the camp. She credits her experience with the U19 National team in helping her get this invitation to the national team.
"I have had a very successful time with the U19 National team which the head coach of the full team had noticed," Kozlova said. "After my last tournament, I was told that they were planning to call me to the Senior Team camp and I must get ready. I spent the last two months getting in better shape to be able to compete with adults at the top level. Going into this camp I feel very prepared fitness-wise and I'm excited to work my way up to this squad."
Kozlova has put some miles on recently, as she went home to Canada after the spring semester ended, traveled with the Hokies to Costa Rica, then went back home before heading halfway around the world for this camp. She left a few days early before the camp to give herself time to adjust to the time change and recover from the travel.
"The few days I had at home after Costa Rica was enough time for me to recover and get some fitness and soccer training in before I had to head to Ukraine," she said. "There was a quick switch from Costa Rica to camp, so while I was in Costa Rica, I had to make sure I kept my fitness up as it is very easy to lose that. I had quite a few early mornings in Costa Rica to get a run or workout in before our team headed out for our adventures."
One more added bonus for Kozlova with her trip. On the way back home, she will have a long layover in Paris and will get to watch one of the Women's World Cup matches.