Men's Basketball

Hokies MBB NCAA Blog

Blog Post 9 - The Oh, So Sweet 16 Blog

Well, by now, all you Hokies know the good news. Virginia Tech defeated Liberty, 67-58, on Sunday night to advance to the Sweet 16 of the East Regional. This is just the second time that Tech has made it to the Round of 16. You have to go back to the 1967 season for the only other time in school history Tech has made it this far.
First, for a little historical perspective. In 1967, Tech made it to the Round of Eight. The NCAA Tournament looked very different back then. Only one school per conference made the field and the 1967 tournament had 23 total teams, spread out over the four regionals. The Hokies were in the Mid-East Regional and defeated Toledo and Indiana to make it to the final eight teams in the nation. Tech lost to Dayton for the right to go to Louisville to play in the Final Four, which was won by UCLA. That Tech team will always be remembered for their fantastic run in the NCAA Tournament.
Since the format expanded, this is Tech's deepest run. With the win, the Hokies are now 8-10 all-time in the Big Dance. 
Almost forgotten, and it shouldn't be, but Buzz Williams won his 100th game at Virginia Tech in the win over Liberty. Coach is now one win away from tying Bill Foster for the fifth-most wins by any Virginia Tech head coach.
There were a lot of happy faces on the bus back to the hotel and I can tell you this team is enjoying the moment. Tomorrow morning, we get on the plane to head back to Blacksburg for a day or two, before heading to Washington, D.C. and Friday night's meeting with the Duke Blue Devils.
Sitting at post-game dinner, a member of the athletic staff looked at the rest of us at the table and said, "One of 16 teams remaining." Let that sink in for a minute. Unreal. From last place in the ACC in 2015 to Sweet 16 in 2019. And there is still more basketball to be played. I know from being around this team, they will hit the ground ready to work to keep on moving up the bracket. This team has never shied away from hard work, but I think Hokie Nation already knows that.
Just a couple more points before we call it a night. First, game time in Washington, D.C. will be at about 9:40 p.m. ET and the game will be televised on CBS. Secondly, for those interested in purchasing tickets, here are the particulars:
Tickets for the third round of the tournament will go on sale starting Monday, March 25th. Packages are $300 and include tickets to both the Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight games, regardless of whether the Hokies advance to the Elite Eight round. The ticket sales timeline is below and there is a four-ticket limit for each account. All donor rankings listed are as of June 30, 2018:

Monday, March 25th 

  • 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Hokie Ambassador, Hokie Scholar, and Hokie Stone levels
  • 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. - Donors ranked 1-300 
  • 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. - Donors ranked 301-600

Tuesday, March 26th 

  • 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Donors ranked 601-900
  • 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. - Donors ranked 901-1200
  • 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. - Donors ranked 1201-1500

Wednesday, March 27th

  • 10 a.m. - On sale to all remaining Hokie Club members
  • 12 p.m. - On sale to the public (if tickets remain)

Blog Post 8 - The Day Before The Round of 32 Blog

Another day in San Jose is a day you can't complain. Arguably the best day we've been here, roughly mid-60s and sunny, support staff were able to check out some of the fun things surrounding the area, including the mall.

Getting into the routine out here, the staff and players enjoyed another film session in the morning, prepping for their next opponent in Liberty. Study hall took place in the morning as well, before another great lunch thanks to Alyson Onyon.

In the afternoon, the team hit the road for the SAP Center, taking in some media interviews and a practice. Per usual, the team and staff took their picture together on the court, with this time putting the No. 2 up with their hands, signaling the second game of the tournament awaits.

Following practice, a return to the hotel and a night to get our minds right before tomorrow's big day took place.

Before we close for the night, a big congratulations to Mekhi Lewis for winning the national championship in the 165-pound weight class. Tech's first wrestling national title! Real proud of this great Hokie.

Also, for the Bay Area Hokies, we will have another send-off for the team on Sunday. Plan on being at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara around 1:45-2 p.m. on Sunday afternoon to send the team off to the SAP Center for the big game against Liberty.

Another note for those of you around the country planning on watching the game. The game will tip at 7:10 p.m. ET on TBS. Not truTV for this game. It will be on TBS.


Blog Post 7 - The Oh, What A Night Blog

It's closing in on midnight here in San Jose, so I'll make this one brief. By now, you know about the win and all the particulars. To learn more, head over to the March Madness page for the recap, box score and more.
As Tom Petty once sang, the waiting is the hardest part. Tonight, it was hard waiting to get on the court and play our first NCAA Tournament game, but the players did a great job and, well, you know the rest. With the game before us close and all the timeouts were used, plus numerous other play stoppages, we were in the locker room a long time. But from the look of the first half, that was not an issue.
Great turnout by Hokies here in the Bay Area. It was really needed and appreciated. Hokie Nation is a force and we need you again on Sunday.
The players once again did a great job with the media after the game. I can't thank them enough for the way they do their part. 
After returning to the hotel, a delicious post-game meal awaited and players, coaches and staff got to take a minute to relax. Tomorrow will be part prep and part rest, as the next game tips off at 4:10 p.m. here in the Pacific time zone. 
A couple of notes. First, Sunday's game will be shown on TBS, not truTV. Also, we will let you know of there will be another send-off before the game.
As always, follow us here on the March Madness page of Hokiesports.com and on our social accounts.


Blog Post 6 - Game Day

With today being game day, not much out of the ordinary for the Hokies. A ballroom walk-through followed by a quick (I mean very quick) trip to the arena for the allowed 20 minutes on the court to get in some day-of-game shooting.
The California Highway Patrol escort allowed for the drive in to San Jose and back not to take hours. Traffic in this metro area just like any other big city. Hat tip to CHiPs for the assist on this rainy day in the Bay Area.
When the team returned to the hotel, brunch was ready and it was delicious. Our team nutritionist, Alyson Onyon, always comes through for us in all that she does. Feeding this many people on the other side of the country has to be tough, but we are a well-fed group. 
Now for some time to rest and get mentally prepared for tonight's game. Tech will head to the arena about 4:30. This is a good time to remind South Bay area Hokie Nation that we will have a send-off at 4:30 p.m. PT here from the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara. We hope you can all attend.
We will have another post following tonight's game, so in the meantime, make sure to follow along for more behind-the-scenes action on the men's basketball Twitter account via @HokiesMBB.


Blog Post 5 - The Day Before Wrap Up

Obligations met. The Hokies have just returned to the hotel following their real practice and their shooting practice at the SAP Center. The home of the San Jose Sharks of the NHL, the SAP Center is a typical professional arena. With black, grey and white seats, the interior is beautiful, but sort of monochromatic.
The team arrived at the SAP Center directly from their real practice at Bellarmine Collegiate Prep. Thanks go out to BCP for their hospitality, especially during a school day. Quick note, Bing Crosby's three oldest sons all attended BCP, as did former major leaguer Pat Burrell.
Once in the SAP Center, the Hokies chilled a little in their locker room, watching other tournament games. Then, seniors Ahmed Hill, Ty Outlaw and Justin Robinson went to the podium in the media interview room for a round of questions. Head coach Buzz Williams followed the players on the podium, while the other players were available in the locker room.
Heading out to the court, the Hokies got their first look at the arena. Tech handles this open practice a little differently than some of the other schools do. Tech gets up a LOT of shots, getting used to the background. This is usually a rather casual time, with players working on their games. 
Coach Williams taped a radio interview with the crew from Westwood One, the national radio rights holder. Then, after a range of photos and other traditional elements to the final on-court appearance on a road floor, Coach headed over to the Turner (truTV) crew to discuss tomorrow's game.
As the team headed back to the locker room to gather their belongings before returning to the hotel, Coach Williams and several staff members took the time to say hello and talk with the folks from Liberty, who were the next team on the court. Liberty is here to play Mississippi State in the game before the Hokies. As you probably remember, the Hokies and Flames played an exhibition game in Lynchburg before the regular season began and the two staffs have been close for years.
Dinner and film are what's left tonight, then time for a good night's sleep to be in top form for tomorrow night's game.


Blog Post 4 - The Day Before
It's Thursday, the day before the Hokies' NCAA Tournament First Round game against Saint Louis. It's business as usual in preparation for the game.
After breakfast, the Hokies settled in for another study hall before starting film work in the team room. After that session, the team headed over to Bellarmine College Preparatory for on-court practice and preparation.
The NCAA allows for an open practice at the arena, but the Hokies, like most of the other teams, use that as just an opportunity to get up shots in the game arena. The practice is the real, get ready for the game, practice.
The big news to disseminate today in the blog is that fans in the Bay Area are welcome to come give the Hokies a send-off from the team hotel on Friday. Fans are encouraged to begin arriving at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara at 4 p.m. PDT on Friday. The team is scheduled to leave for the arena at 4:30 p.m.


Blog Post 3 - Goodnight from Cali
Time for one short update as we close Day 1 here in California.
Dinner was a must have for visitors to the Western part of the country; In-And-Out Burger. The iconic burger place more than lived up to its reputation for serving one of the great burgers. A rousing success by those who partook.
Following dinner, the Hokies headed over to Santa Clara University for a change to get the body moving and getting up some shots. The police escort led the team to the home arena of the Santa Clara Broncos. Once inside the Leavey Center, one of the first things you notice is their retired numbers, led by NBA all-time great Steve Nash. Always great visiting other school's arenas.
The team had a study hall before going to dinner. After returning from the shoot around, several players made their way back to the team rooms to complete more of their assigned class work. This team has achieved so much academically this season, four graduates on the court and four players named to the All-ACC Academic team and that is not by accident. As hard as this group works on the court, they provide equal effort to their academic assignments. Good to see.
Tomorrow will be a full day of prep and NCAA Tournament requirements, including an open practice at the SAP Center, preceded by media interviews. We will check in a couple of times on Thursday to get everyone caught up on all the happenings

Blog Post 2 - We're Here!
Just wanted to check in and let everyone know we had a safe trip and are at the team hotel. 
The trip from Roanoke to San Jose took just about four and a half hours and we touched down here in Silicon Valley just after noon, Pacific time. Smooth sailing for the group that included team, coaches, staff, administration, band and spirit squad. After loading the buses, we made the short drive to our hotel in Santa Clara, right next to Levi's Stadium, home of the San Francisco 49ers and the site of the 2019 CFP Championship game, won by Clemson.
One of the neat things in the trip over was a police escort by members of the California Highway Patrol. For those of a certain age, yes, just like the TV show, CHiPs. Traveling is so much easier that way.
The flight was very uneventful, with a lot of folks sleeping and several players, band members and spirit squad with laptops open doing assignments. Yes, this is an NCAA trip, but there will be time for classwork, too.
There is now some time to rest in the hotel, before a study hall. Then, we will go eat dinner and head to a local college to get in some shooting. More about dinner and study hall in the next blog. Until then, Go Hokies!
Follow along for more behind-the-scenes action by keeping up with the men's basketball Twitter account via @HokiesMBB.


Blog Post 1 - And We're Off!

As the travel party ascended upon the Hahn Hurst Basketball Practice Facility on Wednesday morning to begin the travel day, there was a palpable feeling of excitement, along with a sense of work to be done. 
This will not be a short day. A six-hour flight bridging four time zones makes the 8:30 a.m. EDT departure seem like a 5:30 a.m. departure by the end of the day. This is a tiring process, but one that is richly rewarding.
I always enjoy being around the players as they go through this heady time. The NCAA Tournament creates memories for a lifetime and those young people are just getting ready to begin creating their own special memories.
As we board the charter, this is a much bigger group than usually travels. Add the band and the spirit squad and the number is right at 100. We will check back in once we get to the South Bay area. 
Thank you for following along with this blog. We hope for a lot of updates through the trip. Our aim is to give Hokie Nation and inside glimpse at what goes in to this magical time of year. So, until we arrive in the Golden State, Go Hokies!