Parking Passes

On football game days, a valid parking pass is required for entrance into these parking lots. Upon entering, parking passes must be visibly displayed on the vehicle's rear view mirror and must remain visible at all times while the car is in the parking lot. Vehicles without a valid parking pass are subject to being ticketed or towed at the owner's expense. Lost, misplaced or stolen parking passes will not be replaced.

The owner of the pass is responsible for any violations of the policy due to someone using the pass. If you lend it out or sell it and there is a violation, you, as the owner of the pass, are responsible if any penalty occurs.

Parking Spaces

23898In an effort to address the issues of parking space infringement and crowds spilling into the roadway, a line will be painted behind each parking spot in Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. We request this line be the extension limit for your tailgate. Encroaching beyond the line will result in an infraction of the tailgating policies. This will ensure that we are keeping the roadway clear for emergency vehicles and that no one gets hit or run over.

Parking Lots

For safety reasons, the following behaviors are not permitted in parking lots:

  • Throwing objects – Including, but not limited to, footballs and frisbees
  • Blocking the roadway – Placing tables, chairs, cornhole boards or other items that may extend into the roadway beyond the bounds of the parking space provided
  • Blocking the sidewalks – Sidewalks must remain open for pedestrian travel
  • Sound Systems / Noise amplification – Including bands and DJ equipment
  • Cutting, removing, or destroying boundary ropes or signs
  • Destroying landscaping or fencing
  • Underage drinking
  • Unauthorized soliciting or collection of contributions, vending, distribution of flyers, or other materials

Tailgating Infraction Penalties

In the event that you are found in violation of any parking or tailgating policies, the following penalties will be enforced:

  • First offense - You will receive an oral warning from security personnel. Additionally, an email will be sent to you regarding the violation.
  • Second offense - You will receive another oral warning from security personnel. Additionally, you will receive a letter and a phone call from a Hokie Club representative regarding the violation.
  • Third offense - You will receive a written infraction notice from security personnel. Additionally, you will receive a letter from the Athletics Director and the Hokie Club Executive Director indicating that your parking eligibility has been revoked for the remainder of the season. Additionally, for the upcoming season, you will not be eligible to purchase a parking pass in Hokie Club donor lots. You would, however, be eligible after one year to regain your parking privileges provided you remain in good standing with the Hokie Club.